Dehors est blanc

Creation 2023

–   Pre-Premiere : 27th April 2023 at de Warande, Turnhout (BE)

–   Worldpremiere : 9th and 10th June 2023 at Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (FR) /

–   La Biennale de la Danse de Lyon : 28th and 29th September 2023 at Les SUBS, Lyon (FR)

In the great whole of a reality in action, nothing remains unchanged. Immobility is an appearance, a coup de force immediately swept away by the constant becoming of things.

For this new work in the form of an installation, the artist duo Tumbleweed offers a choreographic piece in suspension; an original way to continue their explorations on the loss of landmarks, and the notion of territory. Suspended above an overturned light, three dancers gradually unfold into the void, which has become palpable and undulating. They testify to the impermanence of things, and drift together in pursuit of an elsewhere, which continues to merge and fade away.

The title Dehors est blanc is a reference to the “white-out”, an atmospheric optical phenomenon in which the contrasts are nil and where everything seems enveloped in a uniform white glow. The observer can then discern neither the shadows nor the horizon, causing a loss of the sense of depth and orientation.


“The Tumbleweed company fascinates us from beginning to end (…) To discover Tumbleweed’s new creation, you first have to be patient. The doors of the auditorium only open at the last minute and you settle into almost total darkness, troubled only by a large white square on the floor. (…) As the light gradually increases, you can now make out three bodies moving infinitely slowly and finding themselves in unthinkable positions with absolute mastery. Sitting, lying, slowly tumbling over themselves, hanging upside down like Icarus suspending their fall… It becomes apparent that the slowness of their movements is not a desire to slow the course of events but the direct consequence of the incredible system of weights, pulleys and cables that allow them to float in the air while moving with infinite grace.
It is impossible to say more without spoiling the joy and amazement of future spectators as they discover a structure that becomes, in the final minutes, a superb scenic element. (…)”

Jean-Marie Wynants – Le Soir / Mad, 08.11.2023


“Aerial virtuosity and hazy poetry for a suspended trio, Dehors est blanc is an invitation to let go and breathe. (…) The infinitesimal as evidence, gentleness as immense force and sublimated reality. This is what Tumbleweed distils in a show that allows time to settle in, to express itself, to make us see a thousand things and more, (…) A marginal performance of masterful poetry”.

Isabelle Plumhans – Focus Le Vif, 02.11.2023


“(…) If Tumbleweed worked on the retinal persistence of images in A Very Eye, Dehors est blanc explores the possibility of a body freed from gravity, testifying to a need to go beyond limits and enter new territories for the duo Angela Rabaglio and Micaël Florentz who make up Tumbleweed. But freeing themselves from gravity is a real challenge, given that body mechanics and movements here on earth are rigorously subject to the laws of gravity, and that dance is formed precisely in this relationship. (…)

It is incredible and beautiful to see a drop of sweat fall from the face into the void beyond the head and not on to the feet of the person walking and sweating. If the concentrated precision of the movements and the luminous plate on which they float are reminiscent of a sort of giant microscope putting new forms of life, other ways of being alive, in front of its lens, Dehors est blanc is light years away from astronauts and technological weightlessness, and it’s a good thing that this proposal doesn’t turn into a space merry-go-round, no, it’s more a question of putting a dancing body to the test if it were to disregard what usually governs it. It’s a deterritorialisation that aims to get off the ground (…)”

Nicolas Thevenot – Un Fauteuil pour l’Orchestre, 19.06.2023


CONCEPT / CHOREOGRAPHY : Angela Rabaglio and Micaël Florentz

WRITING : Angela Rabaglio, Micaël Florentz, Sergi Parés

INTERPRETATION : Angela Rabaglio, Micaël Florentz, Florencia Demestri / Thomas Vantuycom


MUSIC : Anne Lepère

COSTUMES : Catherine Somers


OUTSIDE EYES : Areti Chourdaki (stage), Melissa Rondeau




RIGGING ON TOUR : Black Hand Crew – Raphaël Altenhoven


PRODUCTION : Tumbleweed


DISTRIBUTION / COMMUNICATION : Quentin Legrand (Rue Branly)

CO-PRODUCTIONS : Mars – Mons Arts de la Scène (BE), STUK (BE), C-TAKT / Dommelhof (BE), Les SUBS – Lyon (FR), Les Brigittines (BE), Charleroi danse – Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles (BE), LaGeste (BE), Les Halles de Schaerbeek (BE), Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis (FR)

RESIDENCY PARTNERS : workspacebrussels (BE), Les Brigittines (BE), Espace Catastrophe – Centre International de création des Arts du Cirque (BE), Mars – Mons arts de la scène (BE), Théâtre des Doms (FR), STUK kunstencentrum (BE), C-TAKT/ Dommelhof (BE), de Warande (BE), laGeste (BE), Les SUBS Lyon (FR)

WITH THE SUPPORT OF : Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles Service Générale de la Création Artistique, Wallonie-Bruxelles International, les Autorités flamandes (de Vlaamse Overheid), La Chaufferie-Acte1, Grand Studio et le Réseau Grand Luxe 21/22

THANKS TO : Hildegard De Vuyst, Louise Hanquet, Daniel Perez Hajdu, Fred Op de Beeck, Benjamin van Thiel, Dr. Vertical asbl, Yvon van Lancker, Marché de la Glacière, Lieve Dierckx, Mona Felah et Jeanne Colin.

Dehors est blanc was created with the support of Flanders Tax Shelter bvba and Tax-Shelter by the Belgian Government.

Logo Grand LuxeLogo FWB

Next dates


13 - 14 May

Dehors est blanc

Cultuurcentrum Hasselt,

Hasselt (3500), Belgique


Past dates

Aucun événement à afficher

10 - 12 Apr

Dehors est blanc

Les Halles de Schaerbeek,

Schaerbeek (1030), Belgium


15 May

Dehors est blanc

STUK Arts Center,

Leuven (3000), Belgium


07 Nov

Dehors est blanc

MaZ | Cultuurcentrum,

Brugge (278200), Belgium


27 Apr

Dehors est blanc

Cultuurhuis De Warande,

Turnhout (2300), Belgium


09 - 10 Jun

Dehors est blanc

Les Rencontres Chorégraphiques Internationales de Seine-Saint-Denis / MC93,

Bobigny (93000), France


28 - 29 Sep

Dehors est blanc

Les SUBS / Biennale de la Danse,

Lyon (69001), France


30 - 31 Oct

Dehors est blanc

Theater op de Markt / Dommelhof,

Neerpelt (3910), Belgium


10 - 11 Nov

Dehors est blanc

Les Ecuries de Charleroi Danse,

Charleroi (6000), Belgique
